Hello all, it’s October! My favorite month of the year for many reasons. As a born and raised Angelino, October is always the month where the air gets a little more crisp— and this beautiful, arid city, becomes as autumnal as the SoCal desert can. Not to mention the cherry on top, my birthday’s tomorrow!
Since our last chat, I have worked on two different promo shoots. Unfortunately, neither of which I can talk about in detail at the moment, but I really look forward to being able to share content from both of these awesome jobs.
Also, earlier this month I decided I wanted to reconnect with some other skills, it’s been so long since I’ve done a fine art class, and I wanted to re-strengthen that muscle.
Monday Night at Life Drawing

I’ve been really itching to attend a rendering/ fine art class because when I was in school, I was always taking a class like this to keep my skills sharp and constantly evolving. Ever since graduating and not being in a formal learning environment, it has definitely become a little trickier to seek out that class experience. This past month I decided that not being in a formal learning environment was not good enough reason, so I sought out a life drawing class. I genuinely loved it and cannot wait to go again!
We did many series of one-minute poses, those can be viewed on Page 1, Pages 2 and 3 are both two-minute poses, and Pages 3 and 4 are both five-minute poses.
I’m pretty rusty because it’s been a long time since I’ve just sketched like this, but so pumped to be revisiting/ehancing these skills.
My roommate came with me which is why I have this great photo of me, haha!
I recently heard word that the short I worked on in August should be ready for consumption soon! (previously mentioned in N°9)
Here is the directors teaser which includes a few stills. It feels so amazing to see myself listed as production designer.
SO Pumped to show off the film poster! This was shot on location after I finished dressing the entire set. I am so happy with how this looks and with how everything turned out.
I can’t wait to watch this short film, and I can’t wait to share it with you all!