D R A F T I N G & R E N D E R I N G

After showing and discussing my research with the director (Susan Leslie), this is where I landed for the first round of designing. This iteration includes a bus shelter that would have been constructed out of lumber and plexiglass (or an affordable alternative). However, design was definitely a bit too ambitious considering our budget. Bringing us to our second iteration on the right.....

I was really interested by the idea of a bus shelter for a few reasons. 1) The story takes place in Jersey and colder places tend to have enclosed bus shelters. When budget is on the lower side I love the challenge of cutting back while still trying to show the gesture of that original idea. That's what led me to this abstracted gesture of a bus shelter.

We still needed to cut back, so we ended up scrapping the shelter altogether. As a designer it’s important to avoid getting too attached to any one idea. At the end of the day, the set didn’t need that element and was so effective without it.