Hi Folks, I hope spring is treating you right so far, here’s what I’ve been up to since we last gabbed!
This image is a Photoshop Rendering of my design for a short film that shot this past weekend.
This was one of my favorite projects I’ve gotten to do in a while. The collaboration between me and the writer/director was everything I could’ve asked for and more. When he brought me onto the project as the production designer, he knew I had graduated less than a year ago, and was very… very green. Regardless of age and experience, he took a chance on me anyway, and I am endlessly thankful that he did.
Before we take a look at any more of my work for this, I believe it’s important to see what the director’s initial thoughts were when we first started design conversations.
“Surreal, somber, and highly sensory. A person’s internal crisis playing out amid an intimate gathering of friends and family. And her struggle to sublimate these feelings so that the show can go on.”
Here are the first few research images I collected after reading the script and looking through the vision book.

Unfortunately, I’m not able to show any stills or behind the scenes photos just yet… but the entire team was extremely happy with how everything turned out. A lot of the set pieces/dressing I fabricated myself, and if I didn’t fabricate it, then I definitely paint treated, dyed or altered it in some way.
A couple of props and set dec that I altered.
Table runners that I found and dyed burgundy.
Childrens play shovels that I painted to be a textured metal.
Alex’s Research Archives